Using Art to Bring Visibility to ME/CFS

Christina Baltais created some artistic collages for May 12th ME/CFS awareness day.  Lives Capsized – “ME/CFS can strike any age, gender (most commonly affects women), and ethnicity (people of colour more likely to be affected). It can take down even the strongest and most robust in our communities. It’s a disease that does not discriminate; overturning the lives of millions and their families worldwide.”

Source: Using Art to Bring Visibility to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | The Mighty

For ME/CFS Patients, Viral Immunities Come at a Devastating, Lifelong Cost

“These findings are important because they show for the first time that there is an antiviral activity in the serum of patients with ME/CFS that is tightly associated with an activity that fragments the mitochondrial network and decreases cellular energy (ATP) production,” said Robert Naviaux, MD, PhD

“This paper will be a paradigm shift in our understanding of potential infectious causes behind ME/CFS. Human herpesvirus 6 and HHV-7 have long been thought to play a role in this disease, but there was hardly any causative mechanism known before,” said senior co-author Bhupesh K. Prusty, PhD.

Source: For ME/CFS Patients, Viral Immunities Come at a Devastating, Lifelong Cost

Belle and Sebastian’s ‘Protecting The Hive’

Belle and Sebastian artfully layers music with lyrics from fans on their thoughts and feelings about being quarantined at home alone to create an inspired song they call Protecting the Hive. The first release from this series is narrated by bandleader and OMF Ambassador Stuart Murdoch and friend Alessandra Lupo, set to an aerial view of Glasgow in its current lockdown state, shot by Kenny MacLeod.

How to Navigate Disability Insurance with ME/CFS

Presented by Solve ME on April 20, 2020, this online education workshop includes a conversation between legal and medical experts in the field as they share their advice on applying, appealing, and documenting your case for disability insurance with ME/CFS. Board Certified Patient Advocate, Sharon Stevenson, DVM, PhD, moderates with roundtable speakers: Lucinda Bateman, MD (Bateman Horne Center), Christopher Snell, PhD (Workwell Foundation) and Moselle C. Leland (Law Offices of Judith S. Leland).

Solve ME Advocacy Week 2020 Congressional Education Video

Solve ME announced: “In our new digital format, we’ve created a video to replace our printed congressional educational materials. Share this video with your Representatives to inform them of important ME/CFS needs.”

Share this video with your local state representatives this week and help make a difference!

Bay Area CFS Group Meeting Virtually Every Third Sunday

The ME/CFS support group currently meets virtually every third Sunday of the month at 1PM.

This month’s topic: “Having ME/CFS can be an alienating and isolating experience even under the best conditions, and during these times of social distancing perhaps some of you may find value in checking out the Zoom meeting on Sunday.”

Those interested in attending can email: Monica Z

‘Seabiscuit’ Author Laura Hillenbrand on Coronavirus Symptoms

Hillenbrand, who lives in Oregon, discussed her ongoing experience with coronavirus. “Your airways are so dramatically inflamed that your lungs get stiff and they can’t accept much oxygen. And they start basically closing themselves off.” She described it as, “like I was breathing through gauze”

Source: ‘Seabiscuit’ author Laura Hillenbrand on coronavirus symptoms: It felt ‘like I was breathing through gauze’ –

Will COVID-19 Lead to an Explosion of ME/CFS Cases?

Noting that studies indicated the virus is able to spread throughout the brain including the hypothalamus, Moldofsky proposed the virus had produced a chronic neuroinflammatory state affecting sleep, pain sensitivity and energy levels. That hypothesis, of course, is identical to similar ones proposed for ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.

Source: Will COVID-19 Leave An Explosion of ME/CFS Cases in its Wake? |