Study Finds Differences in Energy Use by Immune Cells in ME/CFS

“This research gives us additional evidence for the role of the immune system in ME/CFS and may provide important clues to help us understand the mechanisms underlying this devastating disease,” said Vicky Whittemore, Ph.D., program director at NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Source: Study finds differences in energy use by immune cells in ME/CFS | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Cannabis and ME/CFS

It’s been almost fifteen years since I was taken down by a mystery illness. These days I am functioning at about 80 percent of my physiological capacity – and that feels like remission to me. I manage my health by eating a mostly plant-based diet, exercise, stress reduction, some supplements, and daily dosing with a CBD-rich tincture, with occasional THC-rich cannabis at night.

Source: Cannabis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Project CBD

Serious Research Begins on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Canada

Marie-Josée Ménard, a teacher in Montreal, started experiencing symptoms of ME/CFS in 2010. At the time, her doctor concluded it was severe depression.

A network of Canadian scientists is trying to make up for lost time in the search for a standard diagnostic test and treatment for a debilitating, poorly understood disease that had long been dismissed as a psychological illness.

Source: After long-awaited recognition, serious research begins on chronic fatigue syndrome | CBC News