Little Known Rules Make Disability Claims in Japan a Challenge.

Until three or four years ago conditions like ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia were not recognized by the rules governing disability in Japan. It is a little known fact that the date of the first doctors visit can be the onset date, even if there was not a clear diagnosis for the disability. Even though the disability rules have changed in Japan, people with an ME/CFS diagnosis are still at a disadvantage. Like in the US, being aware of the nuances of the rules is the only way to even the odds.

Source: 【FP解説】年金の「知らないと損!」 病名の確定診断日が初診日?(ファイナンシャルフィールド) – Yahoo!ニュース

The Potential Coronavirus Catastrophe No One is Talking About

The views expressed in this article are purely speculative, there are no known cases currently of ME/CFS being caused by COVID-19.

By not discussing ME as another potential implication of coronavirus, it only adds to the unfolding calamity that the UK, and the planet, could be facing. And moreover, the public needs to be aware of this. Because potentially, for those that get sick with ME after coronavirus, there may be little support available.

Source: The other potential coronavirus catastrophe no one is talking about | The Canary

Early Research on Existing Drug Compounds via Supercomputing Could Combat Coronavirus

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have used Summit, the world’s most powerful and smartest supercomputer, to identify 77 small-molecule drug compounds that might warrant further study in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is responsible for the COVID-19 disease outbreak.

Source: Early research on existing drug compounds via supercomputing could combat coronavirus | ORNL

People with ME/CFS Share What it’s Really Like

ME/CFS patients in the UK share their stories. A survey in the UK carried out by the ME Association in 2016 found that 46% of patients thought that the care provided by their GP for CFS was “poor” or “dreadful.” Some 18% had no contact with their GP at all as they found they made their illness worse by not taking them seriously.

Source: People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME share what it’s really like – Insider

ME/CFS is Debilitating but Often Dismissed

A study by researchers at DePaul University, published in 2019 in Health Care for Women International, surveyed 541 people with ME/CFS and found that 89% had experienced a dismissive attitude from a healthcare provider. People with the condition often encounter insensitivity, inappropriate beliefs about causes, inappropriate treatments, disbelief and a general lack of knowledge, the study says. Because ME/CFS symptoms overlap with so many other disorders, like depression, those who have the condition are often misdiagnosed.

Source: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Debilitating but Often Dismissed